Virtual Parent Orientation
We know you have many questions about what to expect so to assist in that process, we are excited to invite you to our virtual Parent Orientation! Please join us live to learn about a variety of student services including housing, student health, community safety, counseling, career planning, and more.
June 16 and June 23: Live Stream Sessions
All sessions will be live virtual presentations with an opportunity for audiences to ask questions.
Ask Us Anything
A panel of Seton Hall Experts answer questions and provide the answers and advice you need as your student begins their SHU journey.
- Shawna Cooper-Gibson, Vice President for Student Services
- Robin Cunningham, Associate Vice President & Dean of Freshman Studies
- Javonda Asante, Director of Financial Aid
- Winston Roberts, Associate Dean of Students
Moderator: Karen Van Norman, Associate Vice President & Dean of Students
Come to Class
Find out what a typical freshman class is like and what professors expect of students and of their parents from one of our professors.
Professor: Angela Weisl
Moderator: Robin Cunningham
Housing and Residence Life
If your student is living on campus – get those questions answered now!
Panelists: Jessica Proano and Akira
Moderator: Winston Roberts
Pre-Recorded Information Sessions
Please continue to visit this page as we add more videos between now and June 16.
History and Traditions
History in Brief (1856-Present)
Introduction to History and Traditions (1856-Present)