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College of Arts and Sciences

"Thirty Years after the Fall: An Eyewitness Retrospective on the Breakup of the USSR" - Seton Hall University

Professor Nathaniel Knight slavic club

On Thursday, February 10th, 2022, at 6:30 p.m., in Fahy 236, and VIA TEAMS, Slavic Club, is sponsoring a lecture, "Thirty Years after the Fall: An Eyewitness Retrospective on the Breakup of the USSR," by Dr. Nathaniel Knight.

Professor Nathaniel Knight arrived in the Soviet Union in September 1991 and left Russia almost a year later. In this talk, he will recollect what it was like to be on the ground during the breakup of the Soviet Union and its aftermath. How were the events of the early 1990s perceived at the time and how do they appear in hindsight? How did ordinary people cope with the upheavals? How has the end of the Soviet Union shaped the world we live in today? Professor Knight will address these, and other questions based on his experience living and working in Russia in the early 1990s.

Dr. Nathaniel Knight is a Professor and Chair of the Department of History. He has been at Seton Hall since 1998. In 1991-1992 he received a grant from the International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) to conduct research in the Soviet Union for his doctoral dissertation on the history of Russian ethnography which he defended in 1994 at Columbia University. Subsequent grants from the PepsiCo Foundation, the Harriman Institute and the American Council of Teachers of Russian allowed him to live in Russia for long periods through 1996 when he began teaching first at the University of New Hampshire, then at Seton Hall. Dr. Knight is the author of numerous articles on the history of the human sciences in Imperial Russia including his forthcoming work "Why Did Nadezhdin Published Chaadaev: Ideas vs. Interests in the Literary Politics of the 1830" which will appear in the Russian Review in April 2022.

This event is free! Everyone is Welcome!

Hot borsch and other Slavic treats will be served!

Click HERE for the link to the event on February 10th, 2022, at 6:30 p.m.

Categories: Arts and Culture, Nation and World