Theology Professor to Give Virtual Presentation on Scripture and the Holocaust - Seton Hall University
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
The presentation will explore Glazov's research in detail and then take audiences through a reading of three poems by Czeslaw Milosz, Paul Celan and Primo Levi to shed light on each poet’s employment of biblical passages, themes, motifs and allusions as they try to wrestle with their Holy Writings in the face of catastrophe. Register today.
Glazov is currently at work on a database of 100 Jewish and Catholic Writings on the Holocaust sponsored by the Catholic Biblical Association and the USCCB's Confraternity for Christian Doctrine. He earned M.Phil. and D.Phil. degrees in Jewish Studies in the Graeco-Roman World from Oxford University in 1989 and 1993, respectively, the former on a Rhodes Scholarship. He has recently published a translation and commentary on select writings from Vladimir Solovyov entitled The Burning Bush: Writings on Jews and Judaism (Notre Dame University Press, 2016).
This event is sponsored by the Sister Rose Thering Fund for Education in Jewish-Christian Studies, a community-outreach program of the Jewish-Christian studies graduate program at Seton Hall University. Its mission is to advance the legacy of Sister Rose Thering by fostering understanding and cooperation among Jews, Christians, and people of other religious traditions through advocacy and education.
Categories: Arts and Culture, Faith and Service, Nation and World