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School of Diplomacy and International Relations

A Diplomacy Alumna's Success Story

Molly Cleary is an environmental advocate.

Molly Cleary is an environmental advocate with Clean Water Action in Montclair, New Jersey.

Molly Cleary, a proud alumna of the School of Diplomacy and International Relations, earned her bachelor's degree in 2022. From early on, she knew she wanted to have an impact through environmental advocacy. Today, she works as an Environmental Advocate at Clean Water Action in Montclair, New Jersey.

Cleary shared how her time at Seton Hall helped shape her path toward improving sustainable development. She believes that the purpose of life is to help others, and a key way of doing this is by protecting the environment. ''At Seton Hall," she explains, "I felt drawn to studying human rights law and the Sustainable Development Goals. The combination made a great pairing and guided me to the field I am in today. ''

Cleary’s work focuses on lobbying at the New Jersey State House in Trenton, where she interacts with state and federal legislators and their staffs. On behalf of Clean Water Action, she collaborates and coordinates with external coalitions, outlining and defending positions, tackling elections and endorsing campaigns in local elections. More broadly, she works with Clean Water Action’s National Organization, representing New Jersey, organizing and developing campaign strategies around local campaigns and possible endorsements. Cleary credits her success to her education and the relationships she built at Seton Hall. She emphasizes the significance of the classes she took in law and comparative foreign policy, which equipped her with policy writing skills and legislative knowledge.

As a student, Cleary was involved in extracurricular activities, including her sorority, Alpha Omicron Pi (AOII). Recruitment and sisterhood events helped her become comfortable speaking with individuals from a broad range of experiences and backgrounds, a skill she often uses in her current role.

Cleary's interest in diplomacy dates back to her childhood. Starting at 12, she worked as a page at the Georgia House of Representatives. Her first position as an intern at the Democratic Party of Georgia opened her eyes to how individuals can make an impact. Cleary also worked in the field in high school during the 2018 midterms. That early experience motivated her to apply to Seton Hall. It also increased her awareness of voter suppression and the discrete or blatant ways those in power can abuse their power by oppressing others. She said those early experiences "furthered my passion for equality and equitable treatment, which I brought to my studies in human rights law and sustainable development. ''

In college, she interned at Caritas Internationalis at the United Nations, creating weekly reports about the positions U.N. members took on issues during committee meetings, the General Assembly and Security Council meetings. She researched and gathered critical information on relevant conflicts to aid in the organization's international policy perspectives and witnessed the impact of her policy recommendations, marking a significant step toward her career in diplomacy. Cleary's story is a powerful reminder of how internship opportunities can pave the way for a successful career.

Her experience also demonstrates the impact of a solid education in international relations paired with a motivation to make a difference in society. Looking back on her path, Cleary offers advice for students studying in the School of Diplomacy. ''Hone in on the part of the field you feel the most called to explore and why. Reach out to folks who are in the position you want to pursue. Be curious, be open, and be yourself. ''

Cleary exemplifies the necessary qualities of a successful School of Diplomacy alumna and an environmental advocate.

Categories: Alumni, Nation and World