Esteemed Author Deacon James Keating Speaks on the Sacrament of Love - Seton Hall University
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Drawing from Acts 4:20, "…we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard," the presentation will consider how the Eucharist–the Sacrament of Love–ignites evangelization within the nooks and crannies of secular culture.
The event will be held at St. Mary's Abbey Church in Morristown, New Jersey. It is open to all permanent deacons, diaconate inquirers, aspirants, and candidates, as well as their wives, priests and diocesan personnel from the Archdiocese of Newark and Dioceses of Paterson, Metuchen and Trenton.
Registration is now open for the event, and advance registration is required to attend by Monday, September 26. Save your seat today by visiting the event page »
With nearly 30 years of experience in clerical formation, Deacon Keating is a Professor of Spiritual Theology at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. He is also the author or editor of 28 books on spirituality, morality and clerical formation. In addition, Deacon Keating also recently authored a two-part series exploring the role of deacons as guardians of the Eucharist, which inspired the topic of this upcoming keynote presentation.
In the series published by The Deacon, Deacon Keating emphasized that deacons must carry the Gospel of the Eucharist to the corners of world, commenting on how deacons mediate the vitality of the church:
It is the deacon who assists in distributing [the] graces [of Christ] during the Liturgy of the Eucharist in the Communion rite and embedded in the liturgy of charity—that is, his ministry among the laity. The deacon lives among those who participate in the lifeblood of God's own self-gift, helping to assure that their love does not grow cold and that their devotion to the Eucharistic mystery yields effective public witness.
"We are honored to have Deacon Keating speak with us on the Eucharist, and look forward to a thoughtful, community reflection on the ministry of the permanent diaconate. As Pope Francis says, service is the center of the mystery of the Church, and deacons are called to serve in many forms," said Deacon Andrew Saunders, Director of the Center for Diaconal Formation.
For additional information on the event or to register, please visit the event page.
"We look forward to what promises to be a truly special event that inspires spiritual reflection for all attendees," added Deacon Saunders.
Immaculate Conception Seminary is a House of Formation for the Roman Catholic priesthood
and the School of Theology of Seton Hall University. Forming priests for God's people
has remained the Seminary's constant focus, and the Seminary faculty—well-educated
authors and scholars in their own fields—devote their time and energy to preparing
these men for priesthood amidst the challenges of the 21st century. The School also
focuses on the education of lay men and women in theology, permanent deacons, religious
who are not studying for ordination, and already-ordained priests—not only providing
for them academically, but also for their personal, pastoral, and spiritual formation.
Categories: Faith and Service